It's been a long year since I opened Chappy Fiction up to Time Travel submissions. Just yesterday we officially released the book! You can grab it on Amazon here. It will be available on ibooks, nook and other online retailers shortly. You should also be able to order it from bookstores too! Here's a peak at the front cover!
So what's next? I've gotta market it. That means blasting my social media with tons of temporal activity. I've also got an ad coming out in my favorite podcast Geeks Guide to the Galaxy, a podcast for SF fans, fiction lovers, geeks and other scum and villainy that would likely be interested in reading time travel short fiction. Lastly, I'm going to design some flyers and stick 'em in some local Austin spots. It was my wife's idea to use QR codes that when scanned will land on the amazon page (or maybe a splash page, I haven't decided). We're going to get creative with it and push the whole time travel theme.
Anyways, here's some long overdue thanks:
I'm grateful to all of the authors, Brian Trent, Catherine Wells, Sean Williams, Stewart C Baker, Robert Silverberg, HL Fullerton, Auston Habershaw, Brenda Anderson, SL Huang, Tony Pi, Steve Simpson, K Kazul Wolf, Rasheedah Phillips, Martin L Shoemaker, Alter Reiss, David Steffen, John A Frochio, Alisa Alering, Desmond Warzel, and Rosemary Claire Smith, my amazing friends and family Dan Chapman, Taylor Fox, Daniel Shallue, Nick Tchan, Daniel Jose Older, Kyle Shepherd, Lou J Berger, Alex Shvartsman and Dan McCarthy.